Week 17 – Be Intentional and Persistent!

Life - Eliminate Lack by focusing on abundance


I am once again amazed at how I continuously get bombard with the same message over and over from difference sources.  Clearly, it’s a message I need to hear more than once! Uncle…Uncle… I get it! Two things hit me again.  First, we can only get what we GIVE.  But, we can’t give to get…  More particularly, we can only give what we HAVE to give.  This hit home the first time around and it hit me again.  My struggle is what is it that I have to give… but then again, I have to keep asking myself THAT question, “What am I pretending not to know?”  I am beginning to think that deep down… I don’t think what “I” have to give is enough, or in essence “I am not enough.”  Whoa… hold the phone! I didn’t realize that was really still in me!  I repeat over and over in my health and fitness coaching and to my women’s only group especially that we are enough! Perhaps deep down I also have the sense of lack in this area.  I am enough.  I have my unique gifts that God has given me…not for me to hoard them for myself but for the benefit of sharing them with others.  I finally feel like I am beginning to find myself and my special gifts that only I can give. BUT, this is a big BUT here… I have to focus on giving to give… not for selfish reasons or more specifically for recognition with my business.  When I focus on what I can give and how I can truly help improve someone’s life for the better, then success comes easily.  However, when I focus on getting “points” or other selfish ambitions – I fail…every time.  I am glad I failed…because it just gives proof that we can only get what we give! I am blessed for this insight because it just gives more purpose and meaning behind what I do and why I am doing it.  Thank you for the reminder!

Hit between the eyes number two, if we focus on lack…we will experience more of it.  Helloooooooo McFly…we we focus on grows! My goodness…I thought I had this figured out the first time around, but here I am again, laying flat on my back just having bit hit between the eyes AGAIN… just another “uncle…uncle” moment.  I get it! Finally!  I control what I CHOOSE to think about… I am enough… I have enough… I have already receiveD it all… It’s mine – the victory is mine and I am walking in it!


About alicetbbcoach

Health & Fitness Coach - P90X & Insanity Certified - Entrepreneur I am a child of God, wife, mother of 5 kids, work full-time in the legal/litigation industry, and am a fitness coach, helping busy professionals not just survive each day but thrive in it through faith, health and fitness!
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1 Response to Week 17 – Be Intentional and Persistent!

  1. loving the self talk ALSO I give myself permission to GIVE consciously without reciprocity 🙂

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